Thursday, January 30, 2014

Queen of the Funky Workaround

Can't you just see that as a t-shirt slogan?
I can. Maybe with a jaunty little tilted, banged-up crown graphic. Maybe with bottle caps or gravel or something instead of jewels. You know, something that works, kinda, but isn't quite the real deal. Almost, close, kind of, maybe. Maybe if you squint and cock your head and look kind of sideways out of the corner of your eyes...

Sounds really fun and Junque gypsy-esque, right?  All shabby chic and creative. Yeah.

But I've been thinking about this lately.  Long and hard. 

About how I've always prided myself on being queen of the funky workaround. Being uber adaptable, accommodating, able to make anything work for me; no matter how odd, or weird or sub-standard. I guess a kid growing up in a economically stressed alcoholic family learns those skills. 

You get by. You deny your own needs.
You settle for whatever you can get.
You say, whisper fiercely, to yourself,
"It's ENOUGH, damn it."  
And after awhile, you learn to mean it. And after a LONG while, say 20,30,40 years, you are so firmly entrenched in that "just gettin' by" behavior, that somehow your self-worth has gotten all tangled up with it.

Meaning, if all you ever settle for is crumbs and leftovers and sub-standard, then that is all you think you're worth. 


< Pause to do deep breathing>

If you're lucky, you find something, or meet someone or dig down deep and start to question that entrenched belief. 
For me, it was running.
I can't explain it; how it made such a difference.  I keep trying, but it's elusive.  All I can say is this:  Running made me fall in love with myself.  It made me feel I was special, precious, worth something, worth EVERYTHING. It made me think that a steady diet of crumbs and leftovers wasn't enough. 

Suddenly, I held my head up higher.  I stood up straighter. I looked people in the eye. I no longer said, "Oh that's ok, it's good enough."
I took a deep breath and said, "Here's what I'd like."  "What I need is..."  "My dream is..."

I still mess up.  I get involved in relationships with people who ask me to settle for too little. But it doesn't take so long, anymore, for me to recognize that trap and say "No thank you, that's not going to work for me."

So funky is OK; creative, different, weird, all fine. Just don't sell yourself short and say, like my own daughter did for years,
"I can't have nice things." 
Don't settle for too little; ask for the WHOLE piece, or the whole damn pie, for that matter.  

All it takes is allowing yourself that dream. Breathe it in. Make it real. You really won't die of longing if you dream. You'll just open up a whole wide world of possibilities. That's good.

Sometimes it still makes me super sad, when I think of me as that little girl, or that young woman, who didn't know she could ask for more, who didn't dare to dream.  I give them both big psychic hugs. I whisper, fiercely, 
"The sky's the limit darling, dream BIG!"
And then I straighten my semi-funky crown, tie my running shoes and run off to chase my BIG dreams. 
They're out there. 
I'm coming.
Better late than never. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love it! Very well said!